Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My best friend is getting married in May. So my friend, Marci, had this cute idea of making a recipe box for her. So we turned on our thinking caps and came up with this super cute idea. I like to think we are pretty crafty, hope she likes it!

The Quilt.

Now all I have left is to sew it together...

Monday, March 22, 2010


I am frustrated at the moment because my laptop won't let me upload pictures.
I don't understand why.
Maybe that is more reason to steal my boyfriend's Mac...

Sunday, March 21, 2010


My dad's birthday is tomorrow or if you want to be more specific, here in about 30 mins.
He has been wanting a t-shirt quilt since forever.

My brother got one in May for a graduation present from a family friend with all of his wrestling shirts, its super warm/comfy/huge/awesome. He didn't take it to college so whenever I stay the night at my parents, I use it. Well his is 5 rows with 5 t-shirts in each row, pretty big, and my dad's however will be 6 rows with 5 t-shirts.

Did I mention it is front and back also?! Well it is. 60 t-shirts my dad sacrificed for this quilt or his "blankie" but I wouldn't exactly say sacrificed, he handed them over no problem at all.

Anyways I completed the first side Thursday and if I had stayed in town this weekend I probably would of finished it in time for his birthday but his party isn't until my brother is here for his spring break. So no rush for me. Thank goodness.

As for showing you the picture that Matt and I tried super hard to get a good view of it my laptop is experiencing some technical difficulties and won't upload. Really the only reason why I was blogging about it.

Alright this post has taken up 30 minutes and it is officially my dad's birthday.
Hopefully I get the hang of this.

(side note. I am not a writer so if you don't like the way I write, sorry)

Saturday, March 20, 2010


So I decided I would start a blog. (obviously) 
After much thinking and debating I thought maybe it would be fun to share my life to the blogging world.  So bare with me as I learn how to edit my profile and make it my own... enjoy. : )