Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Apple Pie.

I know everyone knows about Pinterest,
but I found a yummy pie crust idea that I just had to try.
Pinterest is pretty awesome.
I have never made a pie so I figured since this was my first Christmas as a married lady
I would make a pie for my family.

Here is the pie crust recipe. It also has a sweet potato pie recipe
but I just use the crust instructions.
I ended up using 3 boxes of pie crust instead of the 1 it says she used.
Good thing I have a great hubs who ran to the store for me when I needed more pie crusts. ;)

And here is the apple pie recipe.
The next time I make this I will cut the apple slices alot smaller.
I only halfed a few of the slices so the apples sat little high

which made the top crust not fall all the way.
But overall everyone loved it, despite how ugly it looked. : )

I am pretty proud of myself!

Monday, January 9, 2012


So far 2012 seems to be off to a awesome start.
Matt finally got a job
and with this job there is a possibility to move out of state.
We are excited to for all the new experiences this year will bring!

Bring it 2012!