Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Done & Dusted"

as Matt would say. 
The 13 days are over and thank goodness for that! 
Now I just can't get enough of my Skype dates with him but only 74 more days till I get to see his face in person. I am so glad that that February is coming to an end, the time is actually moving right along. 
He emailed me these pictures from Nicaragua. 

 This was his host family he lived with for 5 days.

 He said this is what he rode to and from work. 
how serious he was, I am not sure.

 The biggest pig I have ever seen! 
apparently these are the pigs that get donated to science when they are babies

I love seeing pictures from his adventure
hope you guys do too : )

Other news:
I had my first soccer game as a coach last Tuesday.
We ended up losing 2-1 but it was the first scrimmage they have had
and I thought they did well. I am really surprised to say that I am actually enjoying it!
Tomorrow I have my first "Meet the Players Night" as a coach too.
Should be interesting. Also I have 3 more games this week.
I am so glad I have this to keep me busy.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Post About Valentine's Day

So as you know my Valentine is in Costa Rica but I am trading him in this year for this girl:

We have a hot date that includes dinner at Moe's and Gnomeo & Juliet.
I am pretty excited.


The other day watching TV I saw this Hallmark commercial and I thought it was super sweet:

How cute is that? 
"I love us"

Even though Matt is gone I still got to enjoy these pretty flowers that he had his sweet momma order for me. 

So on Monday we have 11 more weeks/80 more days till he comes home 
and 3 or 4 more days till I can skype with him again. 
Man, am I ready to hear his voice.

I miss my Valentine.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1/4 Completed

Yes, another Matt update. : )

As of this past Monday it has been 4 weeks since he has been gone. We have 12 more weeks to go!
I have had a lot of people ask if I have been able to talk to him. The answer is yes. We have been able to to skype and gmail chat quite a bit. However, the last time I have talked to him was Saturday night and I won't get to talk to him until the 18th or 19th. So far I have been okay with this but I am sure in a few days it will hit me.

The reason why I can't talk to him for 13 days is because he is in Nicaragua staying with a host family for 5 days and then doing "touristy" stuff the next 5 days. There are 2-3 days of travel in there to get back to his QUERC station.

He emailed me these 2 pictures from a hike they went on. 

I think after these 2 weeks are done time will fly by and Matt will be home. I have staying busy with work, soccer, and babysitting Rhys. My free time, I am getting to spend time with friends and I have actually enjoyed my alone time! I have a Valentine's date with Lori that I am super excited about too.

Snow Days

I am so ready for spring time. I need sunny skies and warm weather, pronto.
However, this girl is loving the snow:

I can't complain to much because having the 2 days off work was nice.