Monday, January 31, 2011

Wedding Website

Just created our wedding website, check it out!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

thirteen weeks to go.

So I just redid my blog.
I like it.
And that house up there in the picture is where Matt and I will live.
Yes, I Randi will live on a farm.

Back in September I was asked to help coach the Yukon JV soccer team. At first I though "absolutely not!" But after I thought about it I decided I should at least try it out.
So far it is going good, I am actually enjoying it.
I always remembered spring soccer flying by when I played so I am hoping it will keep me busy and then Matt will be home. *fingers crossed*

As far as wedding planning has been going we have the date, the venue, the dress, the DJ, the photographer, the flowers and a bridal shower set. Pretty much everything else we have left we can do throughout the next 6 months and when Matt comes home. It is still so unreal to me. I can't wait to marry my best friend, but I think I am more excited for him to come back home.

3 weeks down, 13 more to go.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1 down, 15 more to go

Weeks that is. 
15 more weeks till my cute fiance comes home.
I know it has only been a week but I am doing a lot better than I thought.
As long as I get to skype with him at night I am okay.

Don't get me wrong, I miss him like crazy
but I can't dwell on that.
I just have to be strong. And I have been so far.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I can do this, I CAN do this.

So Matt has left the country.
He left yesterday morning.
It was hard, man was it hard.

Yesterday was a so-so day. I only had 2 major break downs 
one was in the morning and then one at bed time.
I was lucky and I could fall asleep, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to.
But I had to pull out my teddy bear and snuggle with it to do so.

Today was a good day.
I went dress shopping AND found THE dress.
(I will share that story another day)
I had a girls night and watched Beauty and the Beast.
It was much needed.

I am so scared to be without him.
He is my best friend, we are always together
and not just because we HAVE to be but because we WANT to be.
The longest we have been apart is a week, so this is a whole new experience.
I can't imagine when it comes to be March and 2 months have past and I am use to being without him.
I hate looking forward to March and knowing that will be my new "norm"

We are able to email each other and skype but in 2 weeks they are taking away their wireless.
Which is understandable because he doesn't need to be skyping, emailing, or facebooking
all the time while he is there but I know once that is gone, communicating
will be less.

I am scared.
I have cried every time we say "good night" while skpying.
Pushing the end button is so, so hard.



(113 days to go)