Sunday, October 2, 2011

Well Hello There...

I'd like to say that I am back to blogging but for right now
its just a temporary "I'm back" for a quick update on my life.
We are now 2 months into our marriage and it has been wonderful.
Here are some pictures from the wedding and honeymoon.

 All of our jar centerpieces were from Matt's grandparents farm
(were we are living now)

Our wedding was everything we had hoped it to be.
Everything went smoothly and I felt good that whole day.
I still can't believe that our wedding has come and passed,
I still try to plan for it and then have to think "oh wait, I have already had my wedding."

On our honeymoon we went to Kona, Hawaii on the Big Island.

We had so much fun.

We also added another member to our family.

Okay that is it for now!
We don't have internet out at our house so not sure when I will be back. :)