Monday, March 14, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy, Right Now.

1. Marking things off of my "to do" list. Such as, my bridesmaids getting their dresses ordered, sending off my save the dates and getting my dress fitted for alterations.

2. Getting to wear my dress, even if it was for a total of 15 minutes.

3. Buying new panties. 7 for $25 thank you American Eagle!

4. Instagram. Lori kept telling me to use it and now I am loving it. 
(randiduncan if you want to follow me (: )

5. On Wednesday Matt will be home in 50 days!

6. Even though I don't technically have a spring break I have some what of a break because I don't have to go to soccer. It will be a nice extra 2 hours in my afternoon.

7. Getting my hair cut tomorrow.

I think that is it for now. : )


  1. i loooove marking stuff of my todo list. and lately theres a lot to mark off! yay matts almost home!

  2. It is an app on my iPhone but I guess it is like a Twitter you just take pics and you can edit them and then upload it. It's pretty cool.
